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10th internat. boule tournament
in Bad Breisig (Bonn)
Organizer = Sektion Bonn & BTBB e.V.
Hotel "Anker" 53498 Bad Breisig, Rheinufer 12-13
Single room (bed & breakfast) € 55.00
Double as single (bed & breakfast) € 65.00
Double room (bed & breakfast € 86.00 - € 89.00
to pay to the hotel directly
Payment after confirmation by the organizer
Arrival and check-in at the hotel "Anker" (www.hotel-anker-bad-breisig.eu)
Appr. 6:15 p.m Departure from Hotel to Schäferhütte by foot (www.schaeferhuette.de)
7:00 p.m Dinner
After dinner musical treats („Hüttenzauber“)
Saturday, Tournament Day
From 9:00 a.m. arrival of the players at the Römertherme
9:30 a.m. registration deadline for the tournament
Appr. 10:00 a.m. tournament start
Appr. 12:00 a.m. lunch break
Appr. 6:00 p.m. end of the tournament, award ceremony on the court
7:30 p.m. dinner at the hotel "Anker"
Tournament costs and game mode:
The entry fee is € 5.00 per person (and included).
5 rounds will be played.
Game Mode: Supermêlée - (Participants are recomposed/mixed after each round)
During the tournament, everyone can buy food and drinks at the clubhouse.
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