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Activity =International Choir Singing - Neuwied - 2024
The map
From 08/09/2024 till 14/09/2024

International Choir Singing
in Neuwied

(Choir singing)
Organizer = Eurojumelages Deutschland
double room
630 €
250 €
380 €
single room
690 €
250 €
440 €
Deposit payment.
Balance payment.
During registration.
Before 15/05/2024
Wait for confirmation before buying plane or train tickets.

Landesmusikakademie von Rheinland-Pfalz (near Koblenz)
Am Heinrichhaus 2
56566 Neuwied-Engers


Please indicate your vocal range when registering: Soprano, alto, tenor, bass
and tell us if you already have choir experience

Account name = Eurojumelages Deutschland e. V.
IBAN = DE82 5001 0060 0008 7416 06
Reference = Chorsingen 2024

We reserve the right to charge pro rata cancellation costs:
from 08.06.2024 in the amount of 100 €
from 08.07.2024 in the amount of 250 €
from 08.08.2024 in the amount of 350 €
from 4 Tage zuvor in the amount of 450 €

Additional insurance

Is up to you to insure yourself against any risk you may incur or cause during your stay.

Travel cancellation insurance is recommended.

Rita Caumettes 
Tel.: +49 711 580362 or mobile: +49 170 6371894
Email address:   
Premiere within Eurojumelages
Our motto “Why We Sing”
As Greg Gilpin expresses himself in his famous song: "Music builds bridges and tears down walls, music is a universal language that speaks to everyone".

In the spirit of friendship that characterizes Eurojumelages, we invite from vom 8th to 14th. September 2024 to an international singing week.

Location of the event: Landesmusikakademie Neuwied-castle Engers (near Koblenz)

Choir conducting: Willi Becker  

One of the ideas: The development and recording of the Eurojumelages Anthem in several languages.

The further selection of literature is based on the requirements of the participants. Anyone who enjoys singing together is welcome. The aim is to develop feasible choral works from all over Europe. Experience in choral singing is desirable, but not a requirement.

Besides singing together every day, we also get to know the beautiful Rhenish surroundings of Engers Castle, food, people and culture of the region and the Beethoven city Bonn.

Invited are all those who have always loved to sing, but also those who want to try it for the first time. Right" and "wrong" are much less important than "feeling yourself in singing" and experiencing the joy of singing in a community.


The price includes:

  • Accommodation and full board, water with meals, all other drinks at extra cost. The food is offered in buffet form.
  • Soiree amicale with drinks
  • Excursion programme (travel and entrance fees)
  • Choir direction and sheet music

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