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Activity =XI congress of the Eurojumelages - Malta - 2016
The map
From 10/11/2016 till 13/11/2016

XI congress of the Eurojumelages
in Malta

Organizer = Twinning association of Malta
Delegate in twin room
435 €
435 €
Delegate in single room
485 €
485 €
Accompanying persons in twin room
415 €
415 €
Deposit payment.
Balance payment.
After the confirmation by the organizer.
db San Antonio Hotel + Spa
Triq it-Turisti,
Qawra, St. Paul’s Bay
SPB1024 – Malta

Tel:  (+356) 2158 3434
Fax: (+356) 2157 2481

For registration, you will approach your national federation or association in your country.


Public Transport buses No. X1 and X3 operate between the Airport and Bugibba, close to the hotel. The journey time by public transport is approximately 1 .5 hours and the cost per person is €2 per person.

We have also made an agreement with a private transport operator and can offer the following service:

Taxi Cab for 3/4 pax (and depending on luggage) €23
Mini-van for 8 pax : € 30
Mini-van for 10 pax € 32
Mini-van for 14 pax € 36
Mini-van for 16 pax € 40

The journey time by taxi or mini-van is approximately 40 minutes.

All prices are one way. Delegates would need to inform the organiser in advance if they require a taxi or mini-van.
John Saliba
The congress will be held in the DB San Antonio Hotel & SPA. Delegates will be accommodated in the same hotel. You can also find photos on the hotel website which you can download in high resolution (http://www.dbhotelsresorts.com/dbsanantonio/hotel/photo-gallery) and a promotional video on the hotel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0-I_wQMf2-YpOxgAVAUfg/).

The Hotel has a large Congress Hall plus other meeting rooms for smaller numbers. Simultaneous translation will be offered in the official languages of our Association (English, French and German).

Accompanying Persons
We will organise touristic and cultural excursions for accompanying persons at no extra charge.

Draft Programme

Thursday 10th November 2016: Arrival of delegates
20.00 Welcome Drink followed by dinner in the hotel.

Friday 11th November 2016        
0730 – 0900 Breakfast
0915 - Opening of the congress with speeches by Minister for Tourism of Malta, President Eurojumelages, and Maltese delegate.
0940 – 5 minute break
0945 – Start of Congress according to the Agenda
11.15 – Coffee Break
11.30 – Continuation of congress
13.00 – Lunch
14.30 - Continuation of congress
16.30 – Coffee Break
18.30 – end of first day of Congress
20.30 – Dinner

Saturday 12th November 2016   
0730 – 0900 Breakfast
0915 - Congress
11.15 – Coffee Break
11.30 – Continuation of congress
12.45 – Closing of Congress
13.00 – Lunch
14.15 – Excursion to the President’s Palace and other places of interest.
20.00 – Closing Banquet

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