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In northern Romania
Organizer = Eurojumelages - Dorina Suflet
Bank : Jumelages Européens PTT e.V. Sektion Köln
IBAN: DE11 3706 0993 4848 4386 00
Precise: name, forname, RO 2011
In the Maramureş region, the most original region of Romania, also called living museum, we will be visiting the most beautiful of 98 world famous wooden churches which have been a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1999. We will have the opportunity to admire their impressive and elaborately carved gates and to get to know the traditional handycraft and the garbs.
On our way to Bucovina through the breathtaking landscape of the Carpathian mountains the nature lovers will definitely get their money worth. The Pietrosul Rodnei mountains are on the Unesco World Heritage list since 1991.
In Bucovina, the northeastern region of Romania, we shall be visiting the painted churches, convents and monasteries with their famous frescos on the outside. They too are on the Unesco World Heritage list since 1993.
After a stop right on the shore of the biggest reservoir of Romania we will enjoy the beautiful sceneries at the foot of the Carpathian mountains.
On our way to Cluj-Napoca we will visit a beautiful salt mine which has been re-opened in 2010 after a long lasting restoration.
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