Activity =Discovery of Rouen / Amiens - - 2014
From 02/07/2014 till 06/07/2014

Discovery of Rouen / Amiens

Organizer = UNJPFT
Deposit payment.
Balance payment.
Wait for confirmation before buying plane or train tickets.

Accommodation will be provided in: Hotel Ibis Budget city center of Rouen, Hotel Inn of Amiens
Free private parking facilities, places will be provided according to availabilities.
These fees include fullboard accommodation, the visits mentioned (drinks are not included in this price).
You will have to organize your journey to Rouen on your own convenience, it is not included in this price.


Please transfer €330 by March, 15th to:
IBAN : FR21 2004 1000 0121 7425 2Y02 049 BIC : PSSTFRPPPAR

Payment by transfer to the specified bank account is prefered. You can make this transfer even if your currency is not the euro. Please use the account PayPal of Eurojumelages onIy when you have great difficulty making the payment. In this case you will have to increase the amount to be paid by 4.5% compared to the initial amount. After your registration go to the menu 'Payments', on top of this screen or click on the folIowing icon

Additional insurance

L’assurance responsabilité civile de l’Union Nationale des Jumelages couvre les participants.

L’assurance annulation, assistance, rapatriement est comprise.


Tel : 0033/(0) 3 83 25 90 51


Join the fellow twinners and enjoy this 5-day meeting set up jointly by the Rouen and Amiens twinning groups.
The programme will be:
Wednesday, July 2nd:
Arrival in Rouen at the hotel in the afternoon. Check in and dinner
Thursday, July 3rd:
The members of the Rouen twinning group will guide you through their town and show you the big Clock and the ironwork museum.
Lunch and dinner will be served in the city center.
Friday, July 4th:
You will go by car to Biotropica, tropical greenhouse dedicated to the protection of nature and development of biodiversity at the border of Rouen (inside and outside promenade).
Optional hiking along the Seine river.
Way back to the hotel and dinner.
Saturday, July 5th:
Departure by car to Amiens.
Amiens’ twinners will meet you and bring you to the boats to visit the Hortillons, former swamps surrounded by canals enabling market gardening.
13.00 : lunch in the city center
15.00 to 16.30 : guided tour of the town by twinning members, followed by free time.
Way back to the hotel at the end of the afternoon, dinner
Sunday, July 6th: check out after breakfast.