Activity =4-5-6rd International Ski weekend - Szklarska Poręba - Liberec (Poland) - 2017
In 2017

4-5-6rd International Ski weekend
in Szklarska Poręba - Liberec (Poland)

Organizer = Stowarzyszenia EuroJumelages w Gorzowie Wlkp.
Deposit payment.
Balance payment.
After the confirmation by the organizer.
Before 10/01/2016

Zahlung in EUR

Adam Poholski

IBAN: DE92 6001 0070 0680 9927 05BIC: PBNKDEFF  (Postbank)

Stichwort: SKI WEEKND 2016


Stowarzyszenie EuroJumelages
IBAN : PL 70 1320 1016 3254 5559 2000 0001
Bank : Bank Pocztowy S.A.

Stichwort: SKI WEEKEND 2016<!-- [if gte mso 9]> <w:LatentStyles Def

Payment by transfer to the specified bank account is prefered. You can make this transfer even if your currency is not the euro. Please use the account PayPal of Eurojumelages onIy when you have great difficulty making the payment. In this case you will have to increase the amount to be paid by 4.5% compared to the initial amount. After your registration go to the menu 'Payments', on top of this screen or click on the folIowing icon

Adam Poholski:

Tel.+49 160 992 85 291