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Activity =Meeting for young people in Budapest - Budapest - 2011
From 26/05/2011 till 29/05/2011

Meeting for young people in Budapest
in Budapest

(Meeting for young people in Budapest)
Organizer = Eurojumelages
Deposit payment.
Balance payment.
57, rue de la Colonie
75013 Paris
Etablisement Guichet N° de compte Clé RIB
2OO41 OOOO1 0243048N020 089

IBAN : FR43 2004 1000 0102 4304 8N02 089

La Banque Postale
Centre de Paris
75900 Paris Cedex 15

Marie-Paule Richonnier
+33 6 81 79 55 37


Meeting for young people in Budapest

from 26 till 29 May 2011

( 18 - 40 years - 24 places)


For the second year, Eurotwinnings suggest to the young people from 18 to 40 years old to come to Budapest. It will be for them the opportunity to exchange on their vision of the twinning and the way they live it within their association, but also, to confront their ideas on the evolution of our movement. No worry, they will have enough time for the discovery of Budapest !



Jeudi 26 mai 2011

 Arrival at Hôtel Benczúr (http://www.hotelbenczur.hu/)

 19.30               Welcome diner


Vendredi 27 mai 2011

 07.00-9.00      Breakfast

09.30                 Opening of the meeting by the Chairman of Hungarian Post, Dr. Sándor Horváth and Marie-Paule Richonnier, chairwoman of Eurojumelages.

Dr. Sándor Horváth and dr. László Oláh will introduce the   Hungarian Post.

A resume of the Paris meeting.

10.30               Coffee break

11.00-12.30    The participants will introduce themselves and explain what is their involvment in twinnings then they will start discuss actions to lead.

12.30-13.30    Lunch

14.00-15.30    Continuation of the debate

15.30-16.00    Coffee break

16.00-17.30    Summary of the propositions

Conclusion – Place and date of the next meeting

19.30                             Dinner at the hotel


Samedi 28 mai 2011

 07.00-9.00      Breakfast

09.30-12.30    City tour

12.30               Lunch and free afternoon

19.30               Farewell dinner


Dimanche 29 mai 2011

 07.00-9.0                 Breakfast

Leaving of the participants

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