Ils nous racontent
Les 30 ANS de Clermont-Ferrand
L'association du Jumelage de La Poste et Orange du Puy-de-Dôme a fêté ses 30 années d'existence au Village Vacances Familles de Parent, du 12 au 18 juin 2016.

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Multi-section Meeting in Poland
Jumelages Galway attend Eurojumelages Bielsko-Biala Multi-section Meeting in Poland from 13 August 2016 – 20 August 2016 The Multi-Section Meeting hosted by Bielsko-Biala Section took place in Szczawnica, Poland and a number for members from the Jumelages Galway Section attended this meeting.
This was a great opportunity to meet our friends from Bielsko-Biala, Bonn, Nord Isere, La Rochelle Sections and made new friends from Darmstadt Section.

This was a great opportunity to meet our friends from Bielsko-Biala, Bonn, Nord Isere, La Rochelle Sections and made new friends from Darmstadt Section.