Peter Backes     President`s note

Dear friends of Eurojumelages,

Every year, Eurojumelages organizes a ski week in POZZA di FASSA, primarily for winter sports enthusiasts.
In this event one can marvel at the splendour of the alpine mountains and envoy a full spectrum of sporting activities, all this whilst strengthening the community and the team spirit among Jumeleurs.

A big thank you to Jean Luc and your team for organizing this event every year.

In your report, you tell us about the highlights and special experiences of the week, from the first turns on the freshly groomed ski-pistes to the cosy evenings in the hotel restaurant - there was plenty to talk about!

Enjoy reading!



pozza top 180Our ski week in the Dolomites has become a tradition and this year took place from 19 January to 26 January in Pozza Di Fassa.

The “Friendship Week” was launched in the early 1980s by Nicola Di Biase from Milan. Nicola was one of the four founders of today's ‘Eurojumelages’.
After several stays at Nicola Di Biase's side in Pozza Di Fassa, and after he had promised to continue the “Friendship Week”, Jean-Luc Heller from Jumelages Européens de Strasboug-Alsace’ took over the management of this ski event at the Hôtel Meida in Pozza Di Fassa in 2010.

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