peter deco1Christmas greetingspeter deco1

Dear members and friends of Eurojumelages,


 peter deco2during the Christmas season we take time for people who are important to us, we are happy with visits, letters, e-mails and phone calls. We feel: we belong together, we are connected to each other.

We depend on unity and understanding in our families, at work and also in our Eurojumelages network.

But unity and understanding do not happen automatically. The Eurojumelages community thrives on people taking responsibility, getting involved and participating. Despite the Corona pandemic ,I was able to meet and get to know many of these people at various events this year.

Even in this difficult time of the Corona pandemic, they have faced the special challenges and kept the association "alive".

In contrast to 2020 – in this manner some events could take place again under observance of appropriate precautionary measures:

The OSCAR in June in Wroclaw, which was held as a hybrid event this year, the boules tournament in August in my region, as well as the language courses in Montpellier in September and in Benidorm in November.

Numerous regional events of the individual sections could also be organised again.

On the other hand, it was painful - both for the organizers and the participants - that the Christmas event in Dresden had to be cancelled at a short notice due to official orders.

At this point I would like to express my special thanks to the organizers who made the events possible under difficult conditions this year. I would also like to thank the members and friends of Eurojumelages who took part in the events. Such meetings shape the life of the association. The joy of reunion among the participants was very great at the individual meetings, which makes me optimistic for the events in 2022.

I wish you and your families a merry Christmas and a healthy start to 2022.

Let us look forward to the new year with confidence!

With European Christmas greetings


Yours sincerely, Peter Backes

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CDCR dos CTT Portugal - National Games of CTT, Portimao, October 2021

I was kindly invited to attend the 31st National Games of the Portuguese Posts, organised by our fellow Eurojumelages member, CDCR dos CTT in Portimao, Portugal between 2nd nd 5th October. These games are held every two years and there are competitions in various disciplines, including, Footsal, Handball, Bowling, Running, Fishing, Tennis, Table-Tennis, Dats, Billiards, Chess, Draughts. Ther was also a nightly entertainment programme of folk dancing and singing where the participants are also employees and pensioners of Portugal Post, and their families.Portimao

It was a very well organised event and there were circa 800 persons participating. CDCR dos CTT had the support of Portugal Post and also of the Municipality of Portimao who made available several sport pavilions and other facilities where the Games were held. All participants were accommodated in an excellent hotel (Pestana Alvor) and this enabled us to meet several participants in a relaxed manner as well as watching them compete and perform.

It was also encouraging to see that the Chairman and other members of the Board of CTT were present at the opening and closing of the games, as well as the Mayor of Portimao. At the closing and presentation ceremony I had the honour of making a short address where among other things I spoke about the ideals of Eurojumelages and also about the need to seek collaboration between the people of Europe.

My host, Mr. Rui Cabaco (President of CDCR dos CTT) explained that his club had over 12,000 members who were all employees of CTT. They paid a small monthly membership fee but the club was granted a subsidy in the form of an annual budget by the Board of Directors of CTT. They were able to organise an annual calendar of events. Mr. Cabaco expressed his intention to invite members of Eurojumelages who would like to participate in events organised by CTT. Moreover, during 2022 he would also be organising a wine-tasting event in the Douro Valley and Porto specifically for Eurojumelages members. He informed me that such an event had already been organised some years ago and several EJ members from Spain had participated and had been very enthusiastic about it.

Following the end of the National Games, I also met the President and General Secretary of Portugal Clube Telecom which organises sport and leisure activities for Telecom employees. This club also has a very strong membership base and a full calendar of events. It is their intention to seek membership within Eurojumelages in the near future.

All in ll I am happy to inform you that CDCR dos CTT will be a strong and active member of Eurojumelages and members are invited to get to know this organisation for mutual benefit and strong friendships.

Yours Peter Backes

Dear friends of the Eurojumelages,

Following the devastating flood disaster in the western part of Germany, we have received a great deal of sympathy from the Eurojumelages. We would like to thank you very much for this; we appreciate the solidarity of our friends in this crisis situation very much.

The floods have claimed many human lives, completely destroyed the infrastructure in some regions and caused immense damage to property. Many people have lost their belongings.

Despite the large-scale relief measures, a return to normality is not yet foreseeable; in some regions it will take years to repair the damage.

Due to the extent of this catastrophe, many of us have relatives or friends who have suffered damage; the house of one of our Executive Committee members of the Bonn Section was also severely damaged by the flood waves.

However, in this crisis situation we are also experiencing a great wave of solidarity and willingness to help the people affected. This noticeable cohesion in society allows us to look to the future with confidence.

Kind regards

Gerhard Klar Peter Backes
Chairman of the German Federation Chairman of EUROJUMELAGES, Paris
of Jumelages Européens PTT e.V Chairman of JEPTT-Bonn

Dear friends of the Eurojumelages,

The Corona pandemic has been going on for more than a year now, and personal contacts and joint activities within the Eurojumelages have not been possible since then.

We will therefore publish reports on the pandemic from the individual member countries on the Eurojumelages homepage.

Our authors report how they themselves and the people around them are experiencing the Corona situation, what restrictions they are experiencing, but also about hope, hope for vaccination ...

Read the eighth report, from our French twinning friends !...


So be sure to check out the interesting, compassionate and close-up reports...


Yours Peter Backes

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Dear friends of the Eurojumelages,

The Corona pandemic has been going on for a year now.

During this time, the joint activities in our "Eurojumelages community" have come to a standstill due to the existing measures and rules.

In many telephone calls and e-mails with members of the Eurojumelages I have heard again and again that they miss the partnership meetings, the intensive language courses as well as the cultural and sporting events very much.

Regardless of the Corona-related restrictions, the Board of Directors is still active and preparing the "After Corona Time" (as can be seen from the attached screenshot of the last online meeting).

Eurojumelages has launched a new website just in time for Easter. Take a look right at it now on your smartphone or computer!

Please feel free to send us your comments.

We would like to seize this opportunity to thank the members of the working group who have designed the new website.

Let us use the Easter days to gain hope and look forward to the time after the Corona pandemic, when our association life can take place again in the usual way.

Now I wish you and the people close to you - also on behalf of the Board of Directors – an Easter with much joy and hope.

I greet you warmly, stay healthy!

Yours Peter Backes

Eurojumelages Board of Directors of March 29th, 2021
Screenshot2 Easter 2021

Screenshot1 Easter 2021